College Classroom Accessibility

Throughout my four years of college, I participated on the executive board of a club called DEAR@IC (Disability, Education, Advocacy, and Resources at Ithaca College). In my last year, I served as Co-President alongside my partner Aliana Zabel. We came to the conclusion that making an accessibility pamphlet would be beneficial for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year. Two of our other board members, Ally Musa and Izzie Passaro also helped collaborate on this project.

The pamphlet includes recommendations for students and teachers based on individual research and group surveys from students that go to Ithaca College. We incorporated; general tips, tips for those with hearing/auditory needs, anxiety, visual needs, executive functioning, mobility needs, and information on classroom flexibility and technology.

This pamphlet was distributed to every professor at Ithaca College and Cornell University.

If you would like to learn more about the classroom accessibility pamphlet, please contact me.


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